The CBC Literary Awards Short List

An email from Christopher DiRaddo, the CBC Literary Awards Administrator: This morning we announced on our website the names of the writers who have been short-listed for the 2010 CBC Literary Awards competition.

Unfortunately, your name was not among them. However, we still wanted to congratulate you on your accomplishment! Making the long-list is no easy feat. In such a competitive year (we received more than 5,000 submissions) your text rose to the top and was considered one of the best by some of our country’s finest writers. This is an incredible achievement!

Two (!!) exclamation marks. Not what I’d wished for, naturally, but now I can resume normal breathing. At the awards website the opening paragraphs of the 5 short-listed entries are provided for readers to vote on which one prompts them to keep reading.

Below I’ve posted mine and if it prompts you to keep reading, stay tuned. I’ll post the story here next.  After that, some reflections prompted by my recent journey through central Japan.

By Lynda Grace Philippsen © 2009

The sky howls and grasses strain toward them like hands pushing them back. The tortured complaint of axles. The horizon unfolds ever forward ahead of the wagon bearing its load toward a distant continent. The trunks hold only necessities—tools, clothing, food, blankets.

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