Tanigumi Kegonji: A Satori Experience

Satori: Image Credit to Erin Silversmith – Own work, Public Domain

As part of the ongoing celebration of five years of blogging at The Way of Words, today I reprise a single story in 5 posts. These describe an  intense experience in a remote Japanese temple during a single afternoon which unexpectedly and forever altered my perception of everything.

In Internet and ideal blog terms it’s a long story. Therefore, I originally broke it down into shorter segments. Each also stands alone.

For anyone unfamiliar with the terms, Buddhists use the words kensho and satori to describe profound experiences of enlightenment.  To attempt brief definitions here is problematic. However, if needed, clicking on either one will take you to the good folks at Wikipedia for a detailed introduction.

Click on the links below to read my satori story.

On Our Way to Tanigumi Kegonji: Part One

Along the Avenue to Tanigumi Kegonji: Part Two

The Ascent Toward Tanigumi Kegonji: Part Three

Into the Underworld of Tanigumi Kegonji: Part Four

The Heart of Tanigumi Kegonji: Part Five

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